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Asari Crystals


Regular price $185.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $185.00 USD
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Danburite helps you let your "Light" shine. Carries a very high vibration that stimulates the 6th and 7th Chakras. Used in treatment of Gall Bladder and Live. Assists in the removal of toxins.

Moldavite has an extremely high vibration. Helps open and clear blocks in any of the chakras. An excellent meditation stone, used at the heart, third eye and crown chakras. It is believed to have been formed when a large meteor collided with the Earth about 15 million years ago and formed a “strew field” of molten rock, which then hardened into the green crystals of Moldavite. The crystal will eventually become extinct as it has not, so far, been found anywhere else on the surface of the Earth. Moldavite is an intensely spiritual stone and can transform and transmute your consciousness like no other. It should be used with discernment as its energies are accepted to be amongst the most powerful of any crystals and can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for sensitive souls and empaths.

Radiant Heart Crystal  A unique evolutionary tool to assist us in expanding our ability to hold and create Unconditional Love, so that we too may “crystallize” the wisdom of the One Heart that unites all life in Love.  Attunes the wearer to the vibration of Unconditional Love and the next step we may take to claim this more fully in our lives.

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